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- About Us -


About Rick Raponi

I am proud to say I have a degree in mathematics, but more proud of the independence I have as a small business owner. Love of the outdoors, horses and cooking led me to want good tools to work with, sharp tools where one cut does the job.


I started sharpening as a kid. Sharpening a pocket knife on the cement curb was not the best way to do it , but I did learn which angle I needed to use for a sharp knife.


Working in a cutlery store was where my first professional sharpening job started while I earned a degree mathematics (more angles). The training I received set me on my life's course of being " the sharpening man" as some people call me. For the next 18 years I owned a cutlery shop in Victorville, selling and sharpening fine cutlery, shears and related items. Moving away from the retail store to open a mobile sharpening service since 2012.


About Our Dog Grooming Shears

Dog grooming shears, both straight and curved, are sharpened with care and respect of the angle they originally come with. Too often I see other sharpeners give a flat grind to the edge of the curved shears. This is due to using the wrong equipment.

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